Marketing mix and internet advertising for more customers and higher turnover
Our internet marketing agency establishes the optimal internet marketing mix for your company, your target group and your business model together with you. Based on a previously developed internet marketing strategy we select the internet marketing actions you can achieve your internet marketing objectives with. Considering your internet marketing objectives and your marketing budget, we organize the internet marketing actions, make the success of the campaigns measurable for you and optimize your internet marketing actions.
Orientation and selection of efficient internet marketing actions
In the internet marketing, there are numerous marketing actions by now. Not every internet marketing action is suitable for every internet marketing objective and every company. Our internet marketing agency therefore consults you elaborately and gives you orientation, transparency and recommendations so that we can achieve the desired internet marketing objectives together.
The internet marketing mix for your company can be tailored from the following actions:
In drawing your internet marketing mix up, we orient on the following fundamentals: